7 Natural Mouse Repellents And How They Work

Mice are one of the most annoying, yet common, pests found in people’s homes. Depending on your location, the layout of your property and other factors, your mouse problem may vary in level of seriousness. That said, over the countless ages that man has lived with...

5 Best Bug Zappers Of 2021 Compared & Reviewed

Looking for a bug zapper so you can finally relax without swatting you're own face every 3 seconds? You're in the right place. In this guide, I'll review and compare the top zappers so you can get the best bug zapper for you, and finally stop slapping your own face....

Mosquito Facts: 8 Weird & Wonderful Secrets

Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying pests on this beautiful green Earth. All they do is suck our blood and leave us with an itchy bump! But did you know that they can also be one of Earth’s most valuable resources? Mosquitos are a misunderstood breed of animals;...

How to Get Rid of Flying Ants: 7 Tested Techniques

An ant infestation is one thing, but when they suddenly start flying at you, it's like something out of 80s sci-fi horror. If you've got an ant infestation, you're going to be dealing with flying ants or alates sooner or later. That's the bad news. The good news is...

6 Best Mosquito Yard Spray Reviewed in 2021

Don’t you hate it when you’re just hanging outside in your yard, enjoying the sun, and those doggone mosquitoes keep biting you?! Enough is enough! We know that there are a lot of ways to keep mosquitoes away, but find out which one will do the best job is too...

A Guide to Killing Rats With Baking Soda

Okay so we have a bubonic problem. Rats are taking over your land and you have vowed to rid yourself of them, for good. Repellent wouldn’t work, too passive to for a totalitarian win.  Now rather than outsourcing to to a corporate poison, you wonder… “What can i...

9 Best Ant Sprays Compared and Reviewed 2021

Are you desperate to get rid of ants fast? Then you need an easy solution that’ll kill them with a quick spritz of spray. But what about granules and bait stations, you ask? They’re great too, but won’t stop ants running off with your picnic basket. Ant sprays deal...

8 Best Outdoor Ant Killers Reviewed in 2021

Got ants? We've got the solution with the best outdoor ant killers on the market. There's a wide range to choose from, and there's one for every kind of ant problem and budget. There’s also an easy-to-reference buying guide that tells you what you need to keep in mind...

Gallinipper Mosquito: How to Identify & Control

Have you ever heard of a Gallinipper mosquito? It must be one of these rare types of mosquito that is uncommon to most of us...until now! Psorophora ciliata, or Gallinipper mosquitos, are a particular brand of insect that deserve a category of its own due to their...

Crane Fly vs Mosquito: How To Tell The Difference

Mosquitos and Crane Flies are one of the most mixed up animals types on this green Earth; and by that, I mean we confuse them all of the time. But why; why do we continue to misconstrue the crane fly and the mosquito? Is it their physical features? Their environment...

5 Best Rat Repellents Reviewed for 2021

Struggling with a rat problem? In this guide, I'll review and compare the top 5 choices so you can pick the best rat repellent. Quick Overview: The Winner The best rat repellent is the Eco Defense Repellent. [amazon box="B01A9TZPCY"] What Is Rat Repellent? There is no...